"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Day 2
Alright so I haven't been updating my blog. Oops. Its actually because I have been writing in a journal. I have decided to write something every day for 100 days. I don't really know why but I am going to do it. Today is day 2.. so far so good.
So I am going to be a skate boarder. Well not really but I am getting a skateboard and I am going to learn to ride it, and its going to be amazing. I am designing one right now with help of my special friend Joe. I have a couple of guys lined up to help teach me as well. I also want to play more guitar this summer. Once I am home and have access to one. I think that is what I am going to ask for for my birthday from the parental units. School is going well right now. A little stressed but I am more not looking forward to leaving all my friends for the summer. Its going to suck really bad.. we are all saying that we are going to hang out and meet up over the summer but I am pretty sure thats not going to happen. But never fear we are all living across from each other next year so we will be reunited!! I am so happy with the friends I have made this year. People say the friends you make in college are your friends for life, and if thats true then I will be a happy camper. We all go together like peanut butter and jelly.
stuff i need to do
write a letter
make 2 greek show adds
design skateboard
give myself a pedicure.. long needed
I think thats about it for now. The UTC garbage truck has just made its pick up right outside my window like always. Why in the world would they decided to have the loudest dumpster dumping truck pick up time to be at 2 am.. I have no idea, but every night it never fails to wake me up. Although I already am up... oh well. Thats about all I have to say. I am being ADHD so peace and love homes!!