"Peace comes from within, do not seek it without it."
we are in charge of getting to the end of the maze of life, god just helps us out a little by moving paths around and making bridges for us to cross to get back on the right path.
2. Jesus is the son of God and is one with God- God gave us jesus to show us the correct way to get to the end of your personal journey, he was like a key example. Jesus showed us the perfect way to do what God wants us to do. if we follow what jesus did to the best of our ability we will get right where God intended us to be.
3. The greatest commandment is this- Love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself- everything you do should be based of loving the lord with everything you have, and to go out of your way to make the people around you happy.
4. God has given us all a path, once you reach the end of your path you can find nirvana or enlightenment or heaven or peace. everyones path is different some are shorter some are longer. One persons reason for being is to be involved in a situation that effects someone else. that is why it is so important to try and help everyone as much as you can. Another persons might take his whole life because his task he must compete cant be finished until something towards the end of their life occurs. Once you finish your path you die. A person who dies in old age has had to either wait until the end of their life to be able to finish their task or just never got it quite right and god kept helping them out until he got to the end point. Or when people ask why did a baby have to die, well god put it on this earth to influence someone or impact a decision that was made. So its all good because even though the baby didn't get to live out its human life its okay because now the baby is in nirvana or enlightenment or heaven or has found eternal peace.
5. life is suffering: suffering occurs because of attachment to worldly things: freedom from attachment is the only cure for suffering- we can only be set free when we are no longer in control of the things we surround ourselves in. We must give up the fight of trying to do it with our power and use gods power and ask for his help. only then can we truly be free and understanding.
6. Meditation is for awareness- meditation makes us aware of our surroundings. Unlike what people think, meditation is not removing oneself from the world as we see it, it is the absorption of the world that surrounds us, a super keen awareness of what surrounds you.
7. Life should be about friendship, fellowship, being all that you can be, following your heart, doing what you do not because you are forced to but because you want to, making decisions based on others before yourself, and remembering your not in complete control.
8. sin- inflicting harm, whether it be mental physical or emotion, on someone else out of spite or having the intention to hurt someone. This is what sin is. If it makes you give up any part of the greatest commandment(love your god with all your heart soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself) then it is sin and should be stopped.
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