spring break was so epic. It was probably the best spring break i have ever had in my whole life. I was with friends the whole time, and we made so many memories. Me Snelly and Britt drove down at 130 am and arrived in panama city beach at about 8 where we got some mcdonalds. We were starving. Then at about 9 we got to the house that the phi delt guys had gotten. We then proceeded to live out the next couple of days on the beach with beer and friends and memories and forgetting memories. and having a good time. like we said, spring break only happens once a year. and this year we lived it up.. we lived it up good
1. Get on my level
2. pro
4. beard man
5. scooter bob
6. o of i
7. dont be that girl.
8. so much sand
9. you know it was a good night when you wake up in your bed with your pajamas on.
10. wheres my lighter, pocket, thanks
11. hey brian dont puke
there is so many more but i cant think of them all cause i am so tired i just want to sleep the rest of my life away.
goodnight and good luck!!
hey punk, love your blog. love reading your innermost stuff. i will be back ... xoxo.